EPHOR Toolbox

WeExpose: the Working Life Exposome Toolbox

We are developing a Working Life Exposome Toolbox using input gathered in Work Packages 1 through 8.
The first version of the toolbox has been published.

Our WeExpose toolbox is your gateway to innovative methods for collection, storage, and interpretation of working-life exposome data, including its economic and societal impact developed in the EPHOR project.

The EPHOR project develops tools for policy makers, occupational health practitioners and scientist.

The first two tools are now online:

  • a protocol for collecting, pre-processing and storing of biological samples
  • an inventory of occupational cohorts in Europe and worldwide developed together with OMEGA-NET.

The Working Life Exposome Toolbox
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This page was last edited on 30 January 2024, at 11:36 (GMT)